Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Onward They Rode.

I originally posted this on Face Book but decided to post it here too. This was my gut response to the Bikers who rode to DC to honor those who had fallen 12 years ago and the ones who died last year.

Onward They Rode.

And the ground trembled
Thunder filled the air,
As on they came.

From the West Coast
They rolled ever onward,
Across desert and mountain.

The Great Plains were alive,
Not with buffalo, but bikes,
Like great herds of old they gathered.

Out of the North they rolled,
Up from the South they came
From every state came the roar.

Citizens, every shape and color
On horses made of Iron
Rolling ever onward.

Bikes carrying Patriots
Bringing the message,

And in the memory
Of those tragic days they cried

Onward they rode
Defying the bureaucrats
Our permit is the Constitution.

Into the Capital they rode
People cheering them on
From the highways they cried out

Let Freedom Ring they thundered
And the ground shook
The air carried the rumble.

America saw her people,
Once more rise up in her name
As onward they rode.

Edd Voss 9/10/2013 revised 9/11/13
If you share this please keep my name with it. That is all I ask.

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