Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Over the years many have made the decision that somethings are worth sacrificing for. Some will say that they lost a limb or even their lives in the process and those people would be wrong. Those lives and limbs were not lost, they were GIVEN in the endeavor of keeping the light of Freedom shining. They sacrificed so that we could celebrate so enjoy the cookouts, picnics and the beach, but take just a moment to say thanks to those who paid the price.
Sgt Edd Voss
U.S. Army

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Welcome Home Free for Memorial Day Week

It seems that I got my wires crossed and it isn't possible to give the Kindle version of my short story away for free. However I made the announcement that I was going to give it away and I am. You can download it in PDF format from the home page on my website EddVoss .com Enjoy it and take a moment to remember those that gave all for their country and thank those who made it back.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Video for Memorial Day promotion

Here is a video to help promote my Memorial Day give away. I hope that you enjoy it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Defending the short story.

From across the pond in the UK blogger James Everington has started a campaign to defend the short story as a legitimate literary form. He has decided to have short story writers guest blog on his page. My offering is due to appear around the second week of June. In the mean time check out the first offering in his Defense of the Short Story segment here at James Everington: Scattershot Writing

Friday, May 13, 2011

Memorial Day promotion

As a promotion for the book Rambling I am going to make the short story Welcome Home available for free during the holiday weekend. If you are a veteran, or know a veteran please either tell them about it or download the story as a gift to them. It is a tribute to all veterans but especially those who served in Vietnam.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tales from a modern day drifter.

I have decided to take a slightly different tact in my marketing strategy. I have tried to keep my writing and my other job in trucking separate but it has come time to embrace them both. My travels while trucking have provided many of the ideas behind my writing so it is only fair that I mention it. All but two of the stories in Rambling are the direct result of things that were inspired by trucking or were thought out during my travels. Airborne: One Man's Journey while not directly related was thought out and plotted while on the road as was Jo Anna both of which are autobiographical.

There have also been some changes at my website to include some videos that I haven't posted here yet. I hope to find the time and ambition to add to the photography pages on the site too. Check back for more information on the changes.